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Cloud Gaming And What is Cloud Gaming ?

Cloud Gaming is  an online  game steaming  service where you can easily play high graphics  games  which you  cannot play on  your normal PC or  Laptop  , you can easily  play through  cloud gaming  ,  you  can use this sarvice on your mobile, computer, laptop or tablet. Can be used in any and can play  high end games  which is not possible to play in normal computer. So know Detiels that  Cloud gaming what  does how or what its Price and you  do not need to Cloud Gaming Use   Table Of Contents  Cloud Gaming And What is Cloud Gaming ?  How does Cloud Gaming work?  How does Cloud Gaming Work? Who can use Cloud Gaming? What are the differences between Cloud Gaming and Normal Gaming? What are the costs of Cloud Gaming? Other Costs that Cloud Gaming incurs Top Cloud Gaming Services. Cloud Gaming  Advantage And Disadvantage. Cloud Gaming And What is Cloud Gaming?  Clou...

What's the difference between iOS and Android phones ? Which would be better to choose!

  Confusion is often seen among people whether take iPhone or Android.  If you are in the same confusion, then read some of the points mentioned below, in which you will understand the difference between the two phones.  With this you will be able to easily decide which phone you should take.   Difference between Apple and Android 1) iPhone is produced by only Apple company whereas there are many companies making Android phones.  Because of which the number of iPhone is less in the world and the number of Android is uncountable. 2) Android is Google's product while iPhone is Apple's. 3) Android phones run on Google's operating system Android while iPhones run on Apple's iOS. 4) Android has the problem of overheating whereas iPhone does not have this. 5) The camera quality of the iPhone also outperforms the DSLR.  However, now Android smartphones are also being introduced with better camera quality. 6) iPhone is difficult to root while Android can be rooted ...

cyber security : what is this and why is it so in demand?

Friends, as we are advancing in technology, the scope of new jobs is opening up.  In such a situation, it  is the right option to make a career  in   cyber security  . Friends, the words Cyber ​​Security are from security on the Internet.  As you all know and often read in the newspaper that if someone's bank account was hacked and money was taken out of it, then this type of cyber theft was done. We  use  Cyber ​​Security  to avoid this type of attacks  .  The Cyber ​​Security device creates multiple layers of security through software.  Those layers are strengthened to save your important data in activities on the Internet. Why Cyber ​​Security is so important (Importance of Cyber ​​Security): As we all know, as technology progresses, the options of old jobs disappear and the options for new jobs are removed. But there are many people who use their talent in the wrong way.  This is how Cyber ​​Attacker comes.  ...

Cloud Gaming Advantage and Disadvantage

  Some Advantage of Cloud Gaming. 1.  You do not need expensive hardware in Cloud gaming. 2.  Or it is very affordable and everyone can use it. 3.  Cloud gaming can be used in verity off device like  computer  , laptop, mobile and TV. 4. In  Cloud Gaming you get to play the game in updated technology. Some Disadvantage of Cloud Gaming. 1.  You do not get experience like local gaming right now in Cloud gaming. 2.  If you play multiplayer games like Pubg game then cloud gaming is not a good option for you. 3. To do  cloud gaming, it is very important to have a good internet which not everyone has. 4.  If your area's data plans are very expensive, then you may find cloud gaming expensive because here you use more internet.

How to update operating system software?

  How to update operating system software? If you are a desktop user and always connected to the Internet, you  should always keep  your  operating system  updated.  With this, you can make your system very online security threats such as viruses , malware  , and others  You  can avoid  Internet  security threats. How to update windows 1. If you want to update your Windows operating system, then first you have to open the first Control Panel. 2. Then type  update  on the search bar of Control Panel  . 3.  Below  Windows Update  , you have to click  on  Check for updates  . It may take some time for Windows to search for all the latest updates.  Once the system has discovered all the updates available then you will ask to install them. 4. Updates may take some time to install.  In this case, you can do other tasks on the computer.  Because this update work can also run in th...

Top 5 Companies Provide Cloud Gaming Services?

Google Stadia Google Stadia   Google  only for a product that cloud gaming that  Google  did launch in late 2019.  This is a very powerful cloud gaming service that has outpaced most of the competitors. Google has just launched google stadia as a premium edition, giving you $ 130 for google stadia's premium service that a 3 months subscription plan with stadia controller and google Chromecast ultra is available through which you can use it comfortably in mobile, computer or TV. Stadia pro subscription you get for $ 9.99 per month in which you can play 2 new games free every month. It has 30 new AAA titles available which you can buy and play. Google has said that in the coming time add more games to it. So that you can play more games. A free plan of  Google stadia  is also coming, which I will definitely tell you about the time to come. PlayStation Now PlayStation Now is  already in this field and many types of games which are available in PlaySt...

Who can use Cloud Gaming?

Cloud Gaming is a very good service for those people who do not have expensive hardware and they cannot afford it, such people can take full advantage of cloud gaming because it is portable and you can afford it at a low cost.  Can do  high end  gaming  from If you are a streamer and stream your game on YouTube or twitch, then cloud gaming is also beneficial for you because you do not need hardware to stream and your game will be streamed directly to these streaming services so that you can only stream You can focus on the game and it will make your work much easier. For those people who can afford expansive hardware, cloud gaming is not a good option because if compare is done then there is a lot of difference between cloud gaming and normal gaming, you can play the game with more fun in normal gaming because it There is no input lag and you get more performance. If you play a multiplayer game, then Cloud Gaming is not a good option for you because  cloud gamin...