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Cloud Gaming And What is Cloud Gaming ?

Cloud Gaming is  an online  game steaming  service where you can easily play high graphics  games  which you  cannot play on  your normal PC or  Laptop  , you can easily  play through  cloud gaming  ,  you  can use this sarvice on your mobile, computer, laptop or tablet. Can be used in any and can play  high end games  which is not possible to play in normal computer. So know Detiels that  Cloud gaming what  does how or what its Price and you  do not need to Cloud Gaming Use   Table Of Contents  Cloud Gaming And What is Cloud Gaming ?  How does Cloud Gaming work?  How does Cloud Gaming Work? Who can use Cloud Gaming? What are the differences between Cloud Gaming and Normal Gaming? What are the costs of Cloud Gaming? Other Costs that Cloud Gaming incurs Top Cloud Gaming Services. Cloud Gaming  Advantage And Disadvantage. Cloud Gaming And What is Cloud Gaming?  Clou...

What is ROM and how does it work?

What is ROM ?  ROM is a non volatile memory.  This means that it is a memory device or storage medium that stores information permanently. The full form of ROM is "  Read Only Memory  ".  About it, I told you this Article These  Computer  is only part of the Primary Memory.  So a little more reminder that there are two types of  memory  in a computer, Primary and Secondary, Primary Memory are of two types, one is  RAM  and the other is ROM. Its full name is  Read Only Memory by  its name, you must be knowing that we can just read this memory.  There is a fixed program in it (or may say Permanent Memory), we cannot change this program easily, as the correct answer is when you buy a computer, there is  already  a  BIOS program  in it  . It helps on the System and the BOIS Computer and Operating System with  Link  does. So this BIOS already resides in the new computer and the memor...

What is a computer, its type and characteristic?

  What is the full form of computer? Technically there is no full form of computer.  Yet the computer has an imaginary full form, C  – Commonly O  – Operated M  – Machine P  – Particularly U  – Used for T  – Technical and E  – Educational R  – Research If you translate it  then it will be something like this, the  common operating machine is specially used for business, education and research  . history of computer It cannot be properly verified that the development of computers has been started since.  But officially the development of computers has been classified according to the generation.  They are divided into 5 parts from the main tower. When it comes to the generation of computer, it means that computer's generations .  As the computer grows, they are divided into different generations to make it easier to understand them properly. 1. First generation of computer - 1940-1956 "Vacuum Tubes" The first...